New LED Light Guides From GLT Emit Light From Both Top And Bottom Surface With Custom Distribution Profiles
Global Lighting Technologies (GLT), the world leader in edge-lit, LED-based light guides for general illumination, has introduced a new light guide that produces distinct customized emission patterns of light from the top and bottom surface.
This enables lighting fixtures to emit light upward and downward using a single light guide with LEDs on one or two edges, while varying the distribution pattern from top to bottom. As demonstrated in the images and polar plot, one such option is a light guide that will produce a “batwing” distribution in the upward direction, while maintaining a more direct distribution in the downward direction. This distribution would allow proper illumination of a table or desk below the light guide while, at the same time, allowing the indirect lighting of the room from the upward distribution. Other options include more Lambertian distributions downward for more diffuse lighting as well as varying output angles for the upward distribution.
GLT can also design custom light guide assemblies in a “cartridge” format based on a customer’s specific requirements, allowing them to be used as a standardized light source in a variety of fixtures.